
users.*.verification.*.updateis not triggering the function

  • 0
  • Flutter
  • Cloud
  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
  • Users
13 Jun, 2023, 06:22

Hello, I'm trying to do so automations with costume functions but the event: users..verification..update is not triggering the function. What I want to do is after the User verifies the account I wanna create a record in other table. But the problem is that when I verify an account thought Appwrite is not triggering ne function

Did I do something wrong?

p.s users.*.create for example is working

The user is experiencing an issue where the function 'users.*.verification.*.update' is not triggering when a user verifies their account. They have confirmed that the issue only affects projects on one of their databases. They have asked if there are any errors that could help with debugging. Another user suggests that if the actions are being done on the cloud, it may directly affect them and provides a link for more information. No solution is mentioned in the support thread.
13 Jun, 2023, 07:59're doing some actions on cloud, this might directly affect you

13 Jun, 2023, 08:02

any errors?

13 Jun, 2023, 08:03

you said it is not triggering but any errors shown that can help us debug?

13 Jun, 2023, 08:07

(since the issue only affects the projects on one of the databases)

13 Jun, 2023, 08:08

Yes I'm using cloud to verify the account. Actually I think this makes sense because I just talked with Flutter Dev and they verified the account through the mobile app and it did trigger the event

13 Jun, 2023, 08:08

makes sense


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