
[SOLVED] 500 internal server error on Database

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Web
  • Cloud
7 Jun, 2023, 11:07

I am getting this error on this newly created database. I create a database with a similar ID from a deleted database via console. But now I am not able to anything on it.

User experienced a 500 internal server error on their database. They initially reported the issue and then mentioned that it was solved. However, they later encountered the error again and asked how long they should wait before creating a new database with the same ID. Another user suggested changing the title to [SOLVED] if everything was okay and mentioned that clicking too quickly on delete/create might cause the issue. The user later confirmed that the issue was resolved and suspected it was just a hiccup on the cloud appwrite platform. The topic of cloud versus self-hosted was brought up and the user was asked to provide the error from developer tools network
7 Jun, 2023, 11:09

Cloud or self hosted ? Provide error from developper tools > network

7 Jun, 2023, 11:21

Its from cloud ok let me check

7 Jun, 2023, 11:30

nvm now its fine might be just a hiccup on cloud appwrite

7 Jun, 2023, 11:31

yeah, perhaps you click to quickly on delete/create with same ID

7 Jun, 2023, 11:31

Change your title with [SOLVED] if everythings is ok for you <:appwritepeepo:902865250427215882>

7 Jun, 2023, 13:59

how long should I wait before I can recreate a new database with the same ID?

7 Jun, 2023, 13:59

its happening again now

7 Jun, 2023, 17:17

there are various times throughout the day where doing admin things like this can take up to 30 minutes to complete.

7 Jun, 2023, 17:17

it should be good now...are you still seeing the problem?

10 Jun, 2023, 12:40

yep its good now, sorry for the late reply

10 Jun, 2023, 15:29

[SOLVED] 500 internal server error on Database


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