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1 Jun, 2023, 15:04

i have made an api_function where i am sending otp to the user and now i want to check if the entered otp and the generated otp is correct so how do i get the otp generated from the backend appwrite . here's my otp sending function - ``` @override FutureEither<Execution> otp({required String data}) async { try{ final functionss = await _function.createExecution( functionId: 'UserAuth', data: data, ); verifyOTP(enteredOTP: functionss.response); print(functionss.response);

        return right(functionss);
    } catch (e, stackTrace) {
      return left(
        Failure(e.toString(), stackTrace)

The user is asking for help verifying an OTP (one-time password) in Appwrite. They are unsure how to retrieve the generated OTP from the backend. The solution is to either take the `functionss.response` outside of the `otp` function or create another `verifyotp` function.
1 Jun, 2023, 21:27

How did you generate the OTP?

2 Jun, 2023, 04:33

from backend - python

2 Jun, 2023, 04:35

Okay.... Sorry I'm a little lost

2 Jun, 2023, 04:36

What exactly are you stuck with?

2 Jun, 2023, 04:38

so here in the otp function , (functionss.response) is the generated otp and now i want to check if the otp the user entered and this generated otp is equal or not so to do that either i need to take this functionss.response out of this api fucntion(otp) which i dont know how to or i can make another verifyotp api function but how to retrieve (functionss.response) out of otp function

2 Jun, 2023, 04:41

In general, it doesn't make sense to return the otp to the channel the client sent the request from 🧐

2 Jun, 2023, 04:42

so how could i verify

2 Jun, 2023, 04:44

Perhaps you should do some research on how the otp flow should work first before trying to do it in Appwrite


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