Why wont user.$id
export outside of the handleSubmit
import loginimg from "$lib/assets/login.jpg";
import { Client, Account, ID } from "appwrite";
import { goto } from "$app/navigation";
import {PUBLIC_API_ENDPOINT, PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID} from '$env/static/public'
const client = new Client();
const account = new Account(client);
.setEndpoint(PUBLIC_API_ENDPOINT) // Your API Endpoint
.setProject(PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID) // Your project ID
let user;
async function handleSubmit() {
const formData = new FormData(;
const name = formData.get("name");
const email = formData.get("email");
const password = formData.get("password");
user = await account.create(ID.unique(), email, password, name);
The user.$id variable is not exporting outside of the handleSubmit function. The issue is likely due to scoping.
To make the user.$id variable accessible outside of the handleSubmit function, declare it outside of the function scope. For example, declare it at the top level of the file before the handleSubmit function. Drake
What do you mean?
[SOLVED] User.$id wont export out of function
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