
[CLOSED] How to check total documents in appwrite console.

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  • Flutter
10 May, 2023, 21:31

How to check total number of documents inside a collection in appwrite console. because its showing Documents per page. Total results: 5000 due to pagination restriction. so is there is a any way to see live total number of document inside collection.

To check the total number of documents in the Appwrite console, there is no direct way to do it. However, you can use a collection to maintain the count if you need it frequently. Alternatively, you can use the "list documents" function and set a high limit query, along with using the select query to limit the amount of data returned. Then you can check how many documents are returned to get an estimate of the total count.
10 May, 2023, 21:43

in the console, no.

If you need this count frequently, i highly recommend using a collection to maintain the count.

Otherwise, you can use list documents, and pass a really high limit query (maybe also use the select query to limit the amount of data returned) and then check how many documents are returned

19 May, 2023, 11:20

[CLOSED] How to check total documents in appwrite console.


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