
[SOLVED] integers trouble (rounding???)

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26 Apr, 2023, 00:54

I'm attempting to create a document that contains a record of discord IDs (1100585043442806856 for example) for various discord functions. When trying to create the document, if I check the record, the integer has been rounded to 1100585043442806900. How can I avoid this without converting everything to strings?

The user is having trouble with rounding while creating a document with discord IDs. They mention that the integer gets rounded when checked. They are looking for a solution to avoid this rounding without converting everything to strings. Solution: The user can use a data type that supports larger numbers, such as bigint or decimal, to avoid rounding.
26 Apr, 2023, 00:58

I don't think you can.

26 Apr, 2023, 01:01

Strings it is. 🙃

26 Apr, 2023, 01:46

[SOLVED] integers trouble (rounding???)


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