
Does AppWrite have http function?

  • 1
  • Self Hosted
  • Functions
  • Web
Nimit Savant
19 Feb, 2023, 13:46

if there is a way an http event can trigger that? eg: GET /v1/functions/myFuntion and the function responds then?

User is asking if AppWrite has an http function and if a function code will run each time the client hits the endpoint. A solution is provided where the user can use a specific method (POST), provide specific headers (x-appwrite-project), and use a specific body structure (json with data string) to execute the function code. The user also asks if there is a way an http event can trigger the function.
19 Feb, 2023, 14:01
Nimit Savant
19 Feb, 2023, 14:13

So basically each time the client hits that end point the function code will run?

19 Feb, 2023, 14:14

Yep, exactly πŸ˜‡ Keep in mind thisrequires you to use specific method (POST), provide specific headers (x-appwrite-project), and apply specific body structure (json with data string)

Nimit Savant
19 Feb, 2023, 14:14

POST: /v1/functions/{functionId}/executions I suppose this end point

Nimit Savant
19 Feb, 2023, 14:15

thank you so much this was great :)


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