
error 404 after upgrading to 1.6 from 1.5.11

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21 Sep, 2024, 08:18

Hello I'm using custom docker compose.

First I'm upgrade from 1.5.10 to 1.5.11, and run migrate command. Everyting is fine, I can access console.

And after that, I'm upgrade from 1.5.11 to 1.6.0, and run migrate command. And I refresh the console, it return like the image attached.

Developers upgraded from version 1.5.11 to 1.6.0 but encountered a 404 error when trying to access the console page. To fix this issue, ensure all added environment variables are thoroughly checked and verify the migration command ran successfully. It is also recommended to have backups in case re-running the process is needed.
21 Sep, 2024, 08:19

This log from the server

21 Sep, 2024, 08:20

If I check, the api (/v1) is working fine, but I can't access the console.

21 Sep, 2024, 08:29

I notice this, should I add this to my docker compose ya?

21 Sep, 2024, 10:20

Did the migration command run successfully?

21 Sep, 2024, 10:20

What happens if you run it again?

21 Sep, 2024, 10:20

Also, do you have backups?

21 Sep, 2024, 10:21


21 Sep, 2024, 10:21

You have upgraded it manually then?

21 Sep, 2024, 10:29

Yeah successfully

21 Sep, 2024, 10:29

Yeah, custom docker compose, manually chang version

21 Sep, 2024, 10:47

You have to manually check all the added environment variables as well

21 Sep, 2024, 18:15
21 Sep, 2024, 18:16

My process is

  1. I upgrade my local appwrite env to the new version
  2. I run diffchecker and create a new docker-compose and env file
  3. I update my test server I have up for upgrading
  4. After that upgrades successfully, (and run the migrate) I then run a bunch of tests to see wassup
Anton Kulikov
3 Oct, 2024, 11:36

I update from 1.5.11 to 1.6.0 and got the same error when opening the console. Help me, please, how to fix this?

Anton Kulikov
3 Oct, 2024, 11:39
3 Oct, 2024, 11:40

How did you upgrade to 1.6

Anton Kulikov
3 Oct, 2024, 11:48

According to the instructions from the documentation

Anton Kulikov
3 Oct, 2024, 12:00

Everything works except the console page


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