
APT-GET / APT not found on build in server function

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25 Jun, 2024, 20:04

Runtime: Python 3.0 Build Command

pip install -r requirements.txt && apt --assume-yes install curl && curl -o && apt --assume-yes install unzip && unzip -d driver && echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/driver/chromedriver-linux64/' >> ~/.bash_profile && source source ~/.bash_profile && chromedriver --version && echo "Done!!"

I'm using the selenium to scrape a website and I want the chromium driver for it to work, but I can't get to install it, because curl is not there, apt-get/apt is not there to install curl.

I know that these build are inside Docker, but can u help me get a way around or find the docker specification for these builds.

Problem: Developer experiencing trouble installing curl on an Alpine-based runtime server which does not have apt or apt-get. Solution: Since the runtime is Alpine-based, use `apk` instead of `apt` to install packages. Update the build command accordingly. Verify that the necessary dependencies are installed within the runtime container.
25 Jun, 2024, 20:09

That runtime is alpine based so you would need to use apk. besides that, you'll need to make sure whatever is installed in the runtime container


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