
Can send phone authentication requests from Website on PC but XMLHTTP error on WEB android browser

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Ken Kraber
16 Sep, 2024, 15:20

I am running phone authentication on my website and when I try to Send OTP it is going fine when I do it on any browser on PC but when I do it on phone it's giving me XMLHTTP Request error. Now since it is android I cannot tell if it's a CORS error. If someone can help me I will be highly thankful.

Developers are facing XMLHTTP errors when trying to send phone authentication requests from a website on a PC, but the error occurs on the Android browser. The issue seems to be related to the endpoint protocol (HTTP/HTTPS). They have tried setting client.setSelfSigned(status: true) without success. The problem persists on both localhost and the live website. The error is specifically encountered on the Android browser, and it's unclear if it's a CORS issue.
Ken Kraber
16 Sep, 2024, 15:38

To mention I am using Appwrite 1.5.5 and SDK version is 12.0.4. Also when I trying to send SMS from localhost, it is giving me the same XMLHTTP error when using "https" on end point but is working fine on "http" end point. Similar things is happening on live website, it's working for "https" and not "http". I have used client.setSelfSigned(status: true) as well.


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