When will the dynamic link feature be released? I have not seen any release notes about dynamic link in the recent update.
Seems 1.5, or maybe 1.4.5
I think 1.5
There's not any official timeline on this feature
🤣 Before Firebase sunsets theirs
That's the 100% plan
lol, I have to use the dynamic links in my ongoing project. Definitely can't rely on Firebase.
🤔 @Meldiron How did you implement dynamic links?
cc @loks0n . We made function that can do dynamic links. We should probably make it into function template
The repo is here: https://github.com/appwrite/dynamic-links
yes, I have seen this github repo.
We have started to work on the custom dynamic link implementation. Once Appwrite releases this feature, then we may switch to Appwrite. But for personal projects, I would use Appwrite. <:appwriteupvote:899677724615016528>
Update: We have completed our implementation of the custom dynamic links. (Server & App)
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