
In Appwrite Messaging, you can use topics to deliver messages to groups of users at once.

Add a target

Add a target

Topics and targets

A user can have multiple targets, such as emails, phone numbers, and devices with your app installed. These targets can subscribe to a topic, so when messages are published to a topic, all subscribed targets receive the message.

Learn more about targets

Organizing topics

A topic should have semantic meaning. For example, a topic can represent a group of customers that receiving a common announcemennt or publishing public updates. It's important to keep privacy in mind when using topics. Prefer sending private information like chat messages by addressing individual targets attached to a user.

Topics are optimized for delivering the same message to large groups of users. If you need to deliver messages to all devices of the same user, you can find a user's targets by calling account.get().

Create a topic

You can create topics


Before you can subscribe to a topic, a user needs the appropriate permission. You can set permission by navigating to Messaging > Topics > select a topic to configure > Subscription access.

Learn more about permission roles

Subscribe targets to a topic