
Telesign lets you send customized SMS messages to your users. These SMS messages can be sent immediately or scheduled. You can send SMS messages for purposes like reminders, promotions, announcements, and even custom authentication flows.


Add provider

To add Telesign as a provider, navigate to Messaging > Providers > Add provider > SMS.

Add a Telesign provider

Add a Telesign provider

Give your provider a name > choose Telesign > click Save and continue. The provider will be saved to your project, but not enabled until you complete its configuration.


Configure provider

In the Configure step, you will need to provide details from your Telesign dashboard to connect your Appwrite project.

You will need to provide the following information from your Telesign dashboard.

Field name
Customer IDHead to Telesign portal > Profile > Customer ID.
API KeyHead to Telesign portal > Profile > API Keys.
Sender numberThe number from which the SMS will be sent. You may need to first purchase a number from Telesign.

After adding the following details, click Save and continue to enable the provider.


Test provider

Before sending your first message, make sure you've configured a topic and a target to send messages to.

You can follow the Send SMS messages journey to send your first push notification and test your provider.


Manage provider