If you wish to use a third-party SMTP provider that Appwrite doesn't yet support or host your own SMTP server, you can setup a custom SMTP provider for your project.


Add provider

To add a custom SMTP server as a provider, navigate to Messaging > Providers > Add provider > Email.

Add a SMTP provider

Add a SMTP provider

Give your provider a name > choose SMTP > click Save and continue. The provider will be saved to your project, but not enabled until you complete its configuration.


Configure provider

In the Configure step, you will need to provide details from your SMTP dashboard to connect your Appwrite project.

You will need to provide the following information from your SMTP dashboard.

Field nameDescription
HostThe server address of the SMTP provider.
PortThe port used for SMTP connections.
UsernameYour SMTP provider account username.
PasswordYour SMTP provider account password.
EncryptionThe type of encryption used. One of SSL or TLS.
Auto TLSAutomatically uses TLS encryption if available.
MailerThe SMTP server or provider.
Sender emailThe provider sends emails from this sender email. The sender email needs to be an email under the configured domain.
Sender nameThe sender name that appears in the emails sent from this provider.
Reply-to emailThe reply-to email that appears in the emails sent from this provider. The reply-to email needs to be an email under the configured domain.
Reply-to nameThe reply-to name that appears in the emails sent from this provider.

After adding the following details, click Save and continue to enable the provider.


Test provider

Before sending your first message, make sure you've configured a topic and a target to send messages to.

You can follow the Send email messages journey to send your first push notification and test your provider.


Manage provider