Create project
Head to the Appwrite Console.
![Create project screen](/images/docs/quick-starts/dark/create-project.png)
![Create project screen](/images/docs/quick-starts/create-project.png)
If this is your first time using Appwrite, create an account and create your first project.
Then, under Add a platform, add a Web app. The Hostname should be localhost.
![Add a platform](/images/docs/quick-starts/dark/add-platform.png)
![Add a platform](/images/docs/quick-starts/add-platform.png)
You can skip optional steps.
Initialize Appwrite SDK
To use Appwrite in our Svelte app, we'll need to find our project ID. Find your project's ID in the Settings page.
![Project settings screen](/images/docs/quick-starts/dark/project-id.png)
![Project settings screen](/images/docs/quick-starts/project-id.png)
Create a new file src/lib/appwrite.js to hold our Appwrite related code. Only one instance of the Client() class should be created per app. Add the following code to it, replacing <PROJECT_ID> with your project ID.
import { Client, Databases, Account } from "appwrite";
const client = new Client();
.setProject("<PROJECT_ID>"); // Replace with your project ID
export const account = new Account(client);
export const databases = new Databases(client);