Build an ideas tracker with Nuxt


Add navigation

To help our users navigate the app we want it to have a navigation bar that's visible on all pages. We will once again use the useUserSession() composable for information about the current user.

With this piece of information we will show a login button when no user is logged in and a logout button when one is. We will also put the user's e-mail address next to the logout button.

From the components directory, create the file navbar.vue and add the code below.

<!-- components/navbar.vue -->
<script setup>
const user = useUserSession();

 <!--- Navbar -->
    <nav class="main-header u-padding-inline-end-0">
      <h3 class="u-stretch eyebrow-heading-1">Idea Tracker</h3>
      <!-- Email and logout button if logged in user -->
        class="main-header-end u-margin-inline-end-16"
        <p>{{ user.current.providerUid }}</p>
        <button class="button" type="button" @click="user.logout()">
      <!-- Login button if no user logged in -->
      <NuxtLink v-else href="/login" class="button u-margin-inline-end-16">

Open app.vue from the root directory and add the navigation bar.

<!-- app.vue -->

<script setup>
import "";
import "";

      <!-- Add navbar -->
      <Navbar />
      <NuxtPage />

Have a look in the browser at both the main page and the login page to test the new functionality.