Build an ideas tracker with Nuxt


For our ideas tracker app, we want any visitor to be able to read the ideas that are stored. On the other hand, we don't want the page spammed with just about anything from anyone just stopping by. To prevent that, or at least making it a bit more difficult, editing ideas will be available for logged in users only. With a login function, we can differentiate between users and decide which users have access to which content.

We will build a page with a simple login form and store its related logic in a useUserSession composable so it can be reused, starting with the composable.

User session composable

There are a few standard functions involved in handling a user session that are added to the composable. The user needs to be able to register to an account, login to the account and logout from it.

We are using Appwrite as a backend to handle the user details, so we need to connect to Appwrite by importing the configurations from step 3. The response from these interactions will be stored as references to get more information about the user in our app.

In your composable directory, create the file useUserSession.js and add the following code.

// composable/useUserSession.ts

import { ID } from "appwrite";
import { ref } from "vue";
import { account } from "../appwrite";
import { type Models } from 'appwrite';

const current = ref<Models.Session | null>(null); // Reference to current user object

export const useUserSession = () =>  {
    const register = async (email: string, password: string): Promise<void> => {
        await account.create(ID.unique(), email, password); // Register new user in Appwrite
        await login(email, password); // Login registered user

    const login = async (email: string, password: string): Promise<void> => {
        const authUser = await account.createEmailPasswordSession(email, password); // Open user session in Appwrite
        current.value = authUser; // Pass user data to current ref

    const logout = async (): Promise<void> => {
        await account.deleteSession("current"); // Delete Appwrite user session
        current.value = null; // Clear current ref

    // Check if already logged in to initialize the store.
    account.getSession('current').then((user: Models.Session) => {
        current.value = user;

    return {

Then you can call the useUserSession() function in the pages and components to use the functionality.

Login page

Create a new file in the pages directory called login.vue. This will not only create a new page, it will also add the route /login to the url. In step 5 we will add a login button that will redirect us to this page.

We will define functions to handle form submissions and show either a signup or a login form.

<!-- pages/login.vue -->
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';

// Access user composable functions
const user = useUserSession();

const isSignUp = ref(false);

// Login user event handler
const handleLogin = async (event) => {
  const form =;
  const formData = new FormData(form);

  await user.login(formData.get('email'), formData.get('password'));

  form.reset(); // Clear the form

const handleRegistration = async (event) => {
  const form =;
  const formData = new FormData(form);

  await user.register(formData.get('email'), formData.get('password'));

  form.reset(); // Clear the form

  <div class="u-max-width-650" style="margin: 0 auto;">
    <section class="card u-margin-32">
      <h2 class="eyebrow-heading-2">Login/Register</h2>
      <AuthForm v-if="isSignUp" :handle-submit="handleRegistration" submit-type="Sign Up"></AuthForm>
      <AuthForm v-else :handle-submit="handleLogin" submit-type="Log In"></AuthForm>
      <button v-if="isSignUp" @click="isSignUp = false" class="u-margin-block-start-16">
        Already have an account? Log in
      <button v-else @click="isSignUp = true" class="u-margin-block-start-16">
        Don't have an account? Sign up

This page renders a login or sign up form depending on isSignUp's state. We will also show buttons to toggle between the two different types of forms.

Authentication forms

In the previous step, we defined a AuthForm to handle signup and login. Let's build this form now.

Create a new file components/authForm.vue and add the following code. The handle submit and submit type are props passed from pages/login.vue

<!-- components/authForm.vue -->

  class="form u-width-full-line u-max-width-500 u-margin-block-start-16"
  <ul class="form-list">
    <!-- Input field e-mail -->
    <li class="form-item">
      <label class="label">Email</label>
      <div class="input-text-wrapper">
    <!-- Input field e-mail -->
    <li class="form-item">
      <label class="label">Password</label>
      <div class="input-text-wrapper">
  <ul class="buttons-list u-margin-block-start-16">
    <!-- Login button  -->
    <li class="buttons-list-item">
        class="button is-small u-margin-inline-start-4"

<script setup>
import { defineProps } from 'vue'

const props = defineProps({
  handleSubmit: {
    type: Function,
    required: true
  submitType: {
    type: String,
    required: true

Go to the browser and add /login to the url to check out the new page.