Server-side authentication with SvelteKit


OAuth authentication with SSR

To support the OAuth flow, we first redirect the user to the OAuth provider, and then handle the callback from the OAuth provider.

To redirect, add a button to our sign up page that redirects the user to the OAuth provider.

<!-- src/routes/signup/+page.svelte -->

<!-- ... existing sign up form -->

<form action="?/oauth" method="post">
  <button type="submit">Sign up with GitHub</button>

Add a new server route to handle the redirect.

// src/routes/signup/+page.server.js

import { SESSION_COOKIE, createAdminClient, createSessionClient } from "$lib/server/appwrite.js";
import { redirect } from "@sveltejs/kit";
import { ID, OAuthProvider } from "node-appwrite";

export const actions = {
  // ... existing email sign up action
  oauth: async (event) => {
    const { account } = createAdminClient();

    const redirectUrl = await account.createOAuth2Token(

    redirect(302, redirectUrl);

The createOAuth2Token method redirects the user to the OAuth provider, and then the OAuth provider redirects the user back to the /oauth route with the userId and secret URL query parameters.

Handle the callback and create a session for the user. Create a new server route at src/routes/oauth/+server.js:

// src/routes/oauth/+server.js

import { SESSION_COOKIE, createAdminClient } from "$lib/server/appwrite";

export async function GET(event) {
  // We should have a `userId` and `secret` query parameters in the URL
  const userId = event.url.searchParams.get("userId");
  const secret = event.url.searchParams.get("secret");

  if (!userId || !secret) {
    return new Response("Missing `userId` or `secret` query parameters", {
      status: 400,

  // Exchange the token `userId` and `secret` for a session
  const { account } = createAdminClient();
  const session = await account.createSession(userId, secret);

  // Redirect to the account page, and set the session cookie
  const headers = new Headers({
    location: "/account",
    "set-cookie": event.cookies.serialize(SESSION_COOKIE, session.secret, {
      sameSite: "strict",
      expires: new Date(session.expire),
      secure: true,
      path: "/",

  return new Response(null, { status: 302, headers });