Nuxt server middle are functions that run on the server before a route is displayed to the user. Nuxt context allows you to store data for the lifecycle of the current request. We can use this to store the user's account data, so that it is available to all pages.
Create a new file in the server/middleware directory called auth.js.
// server/middleware/auth.js
import { createSessionClient } from "../lib/appwrite";
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const { account } = createSessionClient(event);
try {
event.context.user = await account.get();
} catch (error) {}
To ensure the context object is typed correctly, we can add a type definition for it in the env.d.ts file:
import type { Models } from "node-appwrite";
declare module "h3" {
interface H3EventContext {
user?: Models.User<Models.Preferences<any>>;
Now, use the context object in the home page to redirect based on the user's login status. Create a new file in the server/routes directory called index.js:
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
if (event.context.user) {
await sendRedirect(event, "/account");
await sendRedirect(event, "/signup");
When a user visits the home page, they will be redirected to the sign up page if they are not logged in, or to the account page if they are logged in.