To support the OAuth flow, we first redirect the user to the OAuth provider, and then handle the callback from the OAuth provider.
To redirect, add a button to our sign up page that redirects the user to the OAuth provider.
<!-- src/pages/signup.astro -->
<!-- ... existing sign up form -->
<form action="/oauth" method="post">
<button type="submit">Sign up with GitHub</button>
Add a new POST route to handle the redirect.
// src/pages/oauth.js
import { createAdminClient } from "../server/appwrite";
import { OAuthProvider } from "node-appwrite";
export const POST = async ({ redirect, url }) => {
// Create the Appwrite client
const { account } = createAdminClient();
// Create an OAuth token
const redirectUrl = await account.createOAuth2Token(
// Redirect the end-user to the OAuth2 provider authentication
return redirect(redirectUrl);
The createOAuth2Token method returns a URL to the OAuth provider. After authentication the OAuth provider redirects the user back to the /oauth route with the userId and secret URL query parameters.
Create a new GET route to handle the callback and create a session for the user.
// src/pages/oauth.js
import { createAdminClient, SESSION_COOKIE } from "../server/appwrite";
import { OAuthProvider } from "node-appwrite";
// ... existing POST handler
export const GET = async ({ redirect, cookies, url }) => {
// Get the user ID and secret from the URL
const userId = url.searchParams.get("userId");
const secret = url.searchParams.get("secret");
// Create the Appwrite client
const { account } = createAdminClient();
// Exchange the token for a session
const session = await account.createSession(userId, secret);
// Set the session cookie
cookies.set(SESSION_COOKIE, session.secret, {
sameSite: "lax",
expires: new Date(session.expire),
secure: true,
httpOnly: true,
path: "/",
// Redirect the logged in user to the account page
return redirect("/account");