
Appwrite Cloud provides a free Free plan to all developers to start building with Appwrite. Appwrite Free plan is a perfect for personal hobbby projects for students and professional developers alike. Learn more about Free plan's generous resource limits on the pricing page.

Create a Free plan organization

Appwrite Cloud's different plans are applied at an organization level with its resources shared by the organization's projects. When you create your Appwrite Cloud account, a Personal Projects organization using the Free plan is automatically created.

Each Appwrite Cloud account can only have one organization on the Free plan, but you can create unlimited projects in the organization.

Resource limits

Each plan in Appwrite Cloud has a set of resource limits. You can find the details of these resource limits in the in the pricing page.

Each resource limit is applied per billing period and resets at the beginning of each billing period. You cannot purchase additional resources under the Free plan.

Check resource usage

You can check your organization's resource usage for the current billing cycle by navigating to your organization, under the Usage tab.

Reaching resource limits

Reaching your organization's resource limits will have the following effects until the current billing period ends.

BandwidthMore bandwidth will be purchased automatically until your organization reaches a budget cap. If the organization uses a Free plan or a budget cap is reached, API access will be denied until your organization's plan is upgraded or your budget cap is increased.
Importing projects via migrations disabled, but you can still export your projects.
Platform creation disabled.
UsersCreating new accounts and team invitations disabled.
ComputeFunction executions are disabled.
RealtimeRealtime subscriptions disabled.
StorageFile uploads are disabled. Persists across billing periods until the amount of storage used is below the plan limit.

Switching to Free plan and reaching limits

When an orgnization switches from Pro or Scale plan to Free plan, the organization's projects will be able to take advantage of the existing limits until the end of the current billing period. After the billing period ends, the Free plan limits and consequences will apply.

If an organisation has multiple members after the billing period ends, all admins besides the original creator of the organization will be removed. The following consequences should also apply at the project level if the Free plan per-project resource limits have been exceeded.

PlatformsIf more than 3 platforms have been created, disable them in order of date created (oldest ones first).
WebhooksIf more than 2 webhooks have been created, disable them in order of date created (oldest ones first).
TeamsIf more than 100 teams have been created, disable them in order of date created (oldest ones first).
DatabasesIf more than 1 database has been created, disable them in order of date created (oldest ones first).
BucketsIf more than 3 buckets have been created, disable them in order of date created (oldest ones first).
FunctionsIf more than 5 functions have been created, disable them in order of date created (oldest ones first).