Magic URL is a password-less way to authenticate users. When a user logs in by providing their email, they will receive an email with a "magic" link that contains a secret used to log in the user. The user can simply click the link to be logged in.
Send email
Initialize the log in process with the Create Magic URL Token route. If the email has never been used, a new account is generated, then the user will receive an email. If the email is already attached to an account, the user ID is ignored and the user will receive a link in their email.
import { Client, Account, ID } from "appwrite";
const client = new Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<PROJECT_ID>'); // Your project ID
const account = new Account(client);
const token = await account.createMagicURLToken(ID.unique(), '');
After receiving your secret from an email, you can create a session.
import { Client, Account } from "appwrite";
const client = new Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<PROJECT_ID>'); // Your project ID
const account = new Account(client);
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const secret = urlParams.get('secret');
const userId = urlParams.get('userId');
const user = await account.createSession(userId, secret);