Database permissions

Permissions define who can access documents in a collection. By default no permissions are granted to any users, so no user can access any documents. Permissions exist at two levels, collection level and document level permissions.

In Appwrite, permissions are granted, meaning a user has no access by default and receive access when granted. A user with access granted at either collection level or document level will be able to access a document. Users don't need access at both levels to access documents.

Collection level

Collection level permissions apply to every document in the collection. If a user has read, create, update, or delete permissions at the collection level, the user can access all documents inside the collection.

Configure collection level permissions by navigating to Your collection > Settings > Permissions.

Learn more about permissions and roles

Document level

Document level permissions grant access to individual documents. If a user has read, create, update, or delete permissions at the document level, the user can access the individual document.

Document level permissions are only applied if Document Security is enabled in the settings of your collection. Enable document level permissions by navigating to Your collection > Settings > Document security.

Document level permissions are configured in individual documents.

Learn more about permissions and roles