

The Storage service allows you to manage your project files. Using the Storage service, you can upload, view, download, and query all your project files.

Files are managed using buckets. Storage buckets are similar to Collections we have in our Databases service. The difference is, buckets also provide more power to decide what kinds of files, what sizes you want to allow in that bucket, whether or not to encrypt the files, scan with antivirus and more.

Using Appwrite permissions architecture, you can assign read or write access to each bucket or file in your project for either a specific user, team, user role, or even grant it with public access (any). You can learn more about how Appwrite handles permissions and access control.

The preview endpoint allows you to generate preview images for your files. Using the preview endpoint, you can also manipulate the resulting image so that it will fit perfectly inside your app in terms of dimensions, file size, and style. The preview endpoint also allows you to change the resulting image file format for better compression or image quality for better delivery over the network.

Base URL

List buckets

Get a list of all the storage buckets. You can use the query params to filter your results.

  • Request
    • queries array

      Array of query strings generated using the Query class provided by the SDK. Learn more about queries. Maximum of 100 queries are allowed, each 4096 characters long. You may filter on the following attributes: enabled, name, fileSecurity, maximumFileSize, encryption, antivirus

    • search string

      Search term to filter your list results. Max length: 256 chars.

  • Response
GET /storage/buckets
GET /v1/storage/buckets HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Appwrite-Response-Format: 1.6.0
X-Appwrite-Project: <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
X-Appwrite-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>

Create bucket

Create a new storage bucket.

  • Request
    • bucketId string

      Unique Id. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with ID.unique(). Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char. Max length is 36 chars.

    • name string

      Bucket name

    • fileSecurity boolean

      Enables configuring permissions for individual file. A user needs one of file or bucket level permissions to access a file. Learn more about permissions.

    • enabled boolean

      Is bucket enabled? When set to 'disabled', users cannot access the files in this bucket but Server SDKs with and API key can still access the bucket. No files are lost when this is toggled.

    • maximumFileSize integer

      Maximum file size allowed in bytes. Maximum allowed value is 30MB.

    • allowedFileExtensions array

      Allowed file extensions. Maximum of 100 extensions are allowed, each 64 characters long.

    • compression string

      Compression algorithm choosen for compression. Can be one of none, gzip, or zstd, For file size above 20MB compression is skipped even if it's enabled

    • encryption boolean

      Is encryption enabled? For file size above 20MB encryption is skipped even if it's enabled

    • antivirus boolean

      Is virus scanning enabled? For file size above 20MB AntiVirus scanning is skipped even if it's enabled

  • Response
POST /storage/buckets
POST /v1/storage/buckets HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Appwrite-Response-Format: 1.6.0
X-Appwrite-Project: <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
X-Appwrite-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>

  "bucketId": "<BUCKET_ID>",
  "name": "<NAME>",
  "permissions": ["read(\"any\")"],
  "fileSecurity": false,
  "enabled": false,
  "maximumFileSize": 1,
  "allowedFileExtensions": [],
  "compression": "none",
  "encryption": false,
  "antivirus": false

Get bucket

Get a storage bucket by its unique ID. This endpoint response returns a JSON object with the storage bucket metadata.

  • Request
    • bucketId string

      Bucket unique ID.

  • Response
GET /storage/buckets/{bucketId}
GET /v1/storage/buckets/{bucketId} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Appwrite-Response-Format: 1.6.0
X-Appwrite-Project: <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
X-Appwrite-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>

Update bucket

Update a storage bucket by its unique ID.

  • Request
    • bucketId string

      Bucket unique ID.

    • name string

      Bucket name

    • fileSecurity boolean

      Enables configuring permissions for individual file. A user needs one of file or bucket level permissions to access a file. Learn more about permissions.

    • enabled boolean

      Is bucket enabled? When set to 'disabled', users cannot access the files in this bucket but Server SDKs with and API key can still access the bucket. No files are lost when this is toggled.

    • maximumFileSize integer

      Maximum file size allowed in bytes. Maximum allowed value is 30MB.

    • allowedFileExtensions array

      Allowed file extensions. Maximum of 100 extensions are allowed, each 64 characters long.

    • compression string

      Compression algorithm choosen for compression. Can be one of none, gzip, or zstd, For file size above 20MB compression is skipped even if it's enabled

    • encryption boolean

      Is encryption enabled? For file size above 20MB encryption is skipped even if it's enabled

    • antivirus boolean

      Is virus scanning enabled? For file size above 20MB AntiVirus scanning is skipped even if it's enabled

  • Response
PUT /storage/buckets/{bucketId}
PUT /v1/storage/buckets/{bucketId} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Appwrite-Response-Format: 1.6.0
X-Appwrite-Project: <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
X-Appwrite-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>

  "name": "<NAME>",
  "permissions": ["read(\"any\")"],
  "fileSecurity": false,
  "enabled": false,
  "maximumFileSize": 1,
  "allowedFileExtensions": [],
  "compression": "none",
  "encryption": false,
  "antivirus": false

Delete bucket

Delete a storage bucket by its unique ID.

  • Request
    • bucketId string

      Bucket unique ID.

  • Response
    • 204 application/json
DELETE /storage/buckets/{bucketId}
DELETE /v1/storage/buckets/{bucketId} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Appwrite-Response-Format: 1.6.0
X-Appwrite-Project: <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
X-Appwrite-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>

List files

Get a list of all the user files. You can use the query params to filter your results.

  • Request
    • bucketId string

      Storage bucket unique ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service server integration.

    • queries array

      Array of query strings generated using the Query class provided by the SDK. Learn more about queries. Maximum of 100 queries are allowed, each 4096 characters long. You may filter on the following attributes: name, signature, mimeType, sizeOriginal, chunksTotal, chunksUploaded

    • search string

      Search term to filter your list results. Max length: 256 chars.

  • Response
GET /storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files
GET /v1/storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Appwrite-Response-Format: 1.6.0
X-Appwrite-Project: <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
X-Appwrite-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>
X-Appwrite-JWT: <YOUR_JWT>

Create file

Create a new file. Before using this route, you should create a new bucket resource using either a server integration API or directly from your Appwrite console.

Larger files should be uploaded using multiple requests with the content-range header to send a partial request with a maximum supported chunk of 5MB. The content-range header values should always be in bytes.

When the first request is sent, the server will return the File object, and the subsequent part request must include the file's id in x-appwrite-id header to allow the server to know that the partial upload is for the existing file and not for a new one.

If you're creating a new file using one of the Appwrite SDKs, all the chunking logic will be managed by the SDK internally.

  • Request
    • bucketId string

      Storage bucket unique ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service server integration.

    • fileId string

      File ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with ID.unique(). Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char. Max length is 36 chars.

    • file string

      Binary file. Appwrite SDKs provide helpers to handle file input. Learn about file input.

    • permissions array

      An array of permission strings. By default, only the current user is granted all permissions. Learn more about permissions.

  • Response
    • 201 application/json
  • Rate limits

    This endpoint is not limited when using Server SDKs with API keys. If you are using SSR with setSession, these rate limits will still apply. Learn more about SSR rate limits.

    The limit is applied for each unique limit key.

    Time frame
    1 minutes 60 requests IP + METHOD + URL + USER ID +
POST /storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files
POST /v1/storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="cec8e8123c05ba25"
X-Appwrite-Response-Format: 1.6.0
X-Appwrite-Project: <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
X-Appwrite-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>
X-Appwrite-JWT: <YOUR_JWT>
Content-Length: *Length of your entity body in bytes*

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fileId"


Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"

cf 94 84 24 8d c4 91 10 0f dc 54 26 6c 8e 4b bc 
e8 ee 55 94 29 e7 94 89 19 26 28 01 26 29 3f 16...

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="permissions[]"



Get file

Get a file by its unique ID. This endpoint response returns a JSON object with the file metadata.

  • Request
    • bucketId string

      Storage bucket unique ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service server integration.

    • fileId string

      File ID.

  • Response
    • 200 application/json
GET /storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files/{fileId}
GET /v1/storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files/{fileId} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Appwrite-Response-Format: 1.6.0
X-Appwrite-Project: <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
X-Appwrite-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>
X-Appwrite-JWT: <YOUR_JWT>

Update file

Update a file by its unique ID. Only users with write permissions have access to update this resource.

  • Request
    • bucketId string

      Storage bucket unique ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service server integration.

    • fileId string

      File unique ID.

    • name string

      Name of the file

  • Response
    • 200 application/json
  • Rate limits

    This endpoint is not limited when using Server SDKs with API keys. If you are using SSR with setSession, these rate limits will still apply. Learn more about SSR rate limits.

    The limit is applied for each unique limit key.

    Time frame
    1 minutes 60 requests IP + METHOD + URL + USER ID
PUT /storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files/{fileId}
PUT /v1/storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files/{fileId} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Appwrite-Response-Format: 1.6.0
X-Appwrite-Project: <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
X-Appwrite-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>
X-Appwrite-JWT: <YOUR_JWT>

  "name": "<NAME>",
  "permissions": ["read(\"any\")"]

Delete File

Delete a file by its unique ID. Only users with write permissions have access to delete this resource.

  • Request
    • bucketId string

      Storage bucket unique ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service server integration.

    • fileId string

      File ID.

  • Response
    • 204 application/json
  • Rate limits

    This endpoint is not limited when using Server SDKs with API keys. If you are using SSR with setSession, these rate limits will still apply. Learn more about SSR rate limits.

    The limit is applied for each unique limit key.

    Time frame
    1 minutes 60 requests IP + METHOD + URL + USER ID
DELETE /storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files/{fileId}
DELETE /v1/storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files/{fileId} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Appwrite-Response-Format: 1.6.0
X-Appwrite-Project: <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
X-Appwrite-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>
X-Appwrite-JWT: <YOUR_JWT>

Get file for download

Get a file content by its unique ID. The endpoint response return with a 'Content-Disposition: attachment' header that tells the browser to start downloading the file to user downloads directory.

  • Request
    • bucketId string

      Storage bucket ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service server integration.

    • fileId string

      File ID.

  • Response
    • 200 application/json
GET /storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files/{fileId}/download
GET /v1/storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files/{fileId}/download HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Appwrite-Response-Format: 1.6.0
X-Appwrite-Project: <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
X-Appwrite-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>
X-Appwrite-JWT: <YOUR_JWT>

Get file preview

Get a file preview image. Currently, this method supports preview for image files (jpg, png, and gif), other supported formats, like pdf, docs, slides, and spreadsheets, will return the file icon image. You can also pass query string arguments for cutting and resizing your preview image. Preview is supported only for image files smaller than 10MB.

  • Request
    • bucketId string

      Storage bucket unique ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service server integration.

    • fileId string

      File ID

    • width integer

      Resize preview image width, Pass an integer between 0 to 4000.

    • height integer

      Resize preview image height, Pass an integer between 0 to 4000.

    • gravity string

      Image crop gravity. Can be one of center,top-left,top,top-right,left,right,bottom-left,bottom,bottom-right

    • quality integer

      Preview image quality. Pass an integer between 0 to 100. Defaults to 100.

    • borderWidth integer

      Preview image border in pixels. Pass an integer between 0 to 100. Defaults to 0.

    • borderColor string

      Preview image border color. Use a valid HEX color, no # is needed for prefix.

    • borderRadius integer

      Preview image border radius in pixels. Pass an integer between 0 to 4000.

    • opacity number

      Preview image opacity. Only works with images having an alpha channel (like png). Pass a number between 0 to 1.

    • rotation integer

      Preview image rotation in degrees. Pass an integer between -360 and 360.

    • background string

      Preview image background color. Only works with transparent images (png). Use a valid HEX color, no # is needed for prefix.

    • output string

      Output format type (jpeg, jpg, png, gif and webp).

  • Response
    • 200 application/json
GET /storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files/{fileId}/preview
GET /v1/storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files/{fileId}/preview HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Appwrite-Response-Format: 1.6.0
X-Appwrite-Project: <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
X-Appwrite-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>
X-Appwrite-JWT: <YOUR_JWT>

Get file for view

Get a file content by its unique ID. This endpoint is similar to the download method but returns with no 'Content-Disposition: attachment' header.

  • Request
    • bucketId string

      Storage bucket unique ID. You can create a new storage bucket using the Storage service server integration.

    • fileId string

      File ID.

  • Response
    • 200 application/json
GET /storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files/{fileId}/view
GET /v1/storage/buckets/{bucketId}/files/{fileId}/view HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Appwrite-Response-Format: 1.6.0
X-Appwrite-Project: <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
X-Appwrite-Key: <YOUR_API_KEY>
X-Appwrite-JWT: <YOUR_JWT>