Appwrite Messaging helps you communicate with your users through push notifications, emails, and SMS text messages. Sending personalized communication for marketing, updates, and realtime alerts can increase user engagement and retention. You can also use Appwrite Messaging to implement security checks and custom authentication flows.
You can find guides and examples on using the Messaging API in the Appwrite Messaging product pages.
List messages
Get a list of all messages from the current Appwrite project.
queries array Array of query strings generated using the Query class provided by the SDK. Learn more about queries. Maximum of 100 queries are allowed, each 4096 characters long. You may filter on the following attributes: scheduledAt, deliveredAt, deliveredTotal, status, description, providerType
search string Search term to filter your list results. Max length: 256 chars.
200 application/json
GET /messaging/messages
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.listMessages(
[], // queries (optional)
'<SEARCH>' // search (optional)
Create email
Create a new email message.
messageId string requiredMessage ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with
. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char. Max length is 36 chars.subject string requiredEmail Subject.
content string requiredEmail Content.
topics array List of Topic IDs.
users array List of User IDs.
targets array List of Targets IDs.
cc array Array of target IDs to be added as CC.
bcc array Array of target IDs to be added as BCC.
attachments array Array of compound ID strings of bucket IDs and file IDs to be attached to the email. They should be formatted as <BUCKET_ID>:<FILE_ID>.
draft boolean Is message a draft
html boolean Is content of type HTML
scheduledAt string Scheduled delivery time for message in ISO 8601 format. DateTime value must be in future.
201 application/json
POST /messaging/messages/email
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.createEmail(
'<MESSAGE_ID>', // messageId
'<SUBJECT>', // subject
'<CONTENT>', // content
[], // topics (optional)
[], // users (optional)
[], // targets (optional)
[], // cc (optional)
[], // bcc (optional)
[], // attachments (optional)
false, // draft (optional)
false, // html (optional)
'' // scheduledAt (optional)
Update email
Update an email message by its unique ID. This endpoint only works on messages that are in draft status. Messages that are already processing, sent, or failed cannot be updated.
messageId string requiredMessage ID.
topics array List of Topic IDs.
users array List of User IDs.
targets array List of Targets IDs.
subject string Email Subject.
content string Email Content.
draft boolean Is message a draft
html boolean Is content of type HTML
cc array Array of target IDs to be added as CC.
bcc array Array of target IDs to be added as BCC.
scheduledAt string Scheduled delivery time for message in ISO 8601 format. DateTime value must be in future.
attachments array Array of compound ID strings of bucket IDs and file IDs to be attached to the email. They should be formatted as <BUCKET_ID>:<FILE_ID>.
200 application/json
PATCH /messaging/messages/email/{messageId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.updateEmail(
'<MESSAGE_ID>', // messageId
[], // topics (optional)
[], // users (optional)
[], // targets (optional)
'<SUBJECT>', // subject (optional)
'<CONTENT>', // content (optional)
false, // draft (optional)
false, // html (optional)
[], // cc (optional)
[], // bcc (optional)
'', // scheduledAt (optional)
[] // attachments (optional)
Create push notification
Create a new push notification.
messageId string requiredMessage ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with
. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char. Max length is 36 chars.title string Title for push notification.
body string Body for push notification.
topics array List of Topic IDs.
users array List of User IDs.
targets array List of Targets IDs.
data object Additional key-value pair data for push notification.
action string Action for push notification.
image string Image for push notification. Must be a compound bucket ID to file ID of a jpeg, png, or bmp image in Appwrite Storage. It should be formatted as <BUCKET_ID>:<FILE_ID>.
icon string Icon for push notification. Available only for Android and Web Platform.
sound string Sound for push notification. Available only for Android and iOS Platform.
color string Color for push notification. Available only for Android Platform.
tag string Tag for push notification. Available only for Android Platform.
badge integer Badge for push notification. Available only for iOS Platform.
draft boolean Is message a draft
scheduledAt string Scheduled delivery time for message in ISO 8601 format. DateTime value must be in future.
contentAvailable boolean If set to true, the notification will be delivered in the background. Available only for iOS Platform.
critical boolean If set to true, the notification will be marked as critical. This requires the app to have the critical notification entitlement. Available only for iOS Platform.
priority string Set the notification priority. "normal" will consider device state and may not deliver notifications immediately. "high" will always attempt to immediately deliver the notification.
201 application/json
POST /messaging/messages/push
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.createPush(
'<MESSAGE_ID>', // messageId
'<TITLE>', // title (optional)
'<BODY>', // body (optional)
[], // topics (optional)
[], // users (optional)
[], // targets (optional)
{}, // data (optional)
'<ACTION>', // action (optional)
'[ID1:ID2]', // image (optional)
'<ICON>', // icon (optional)
'<SOUND>', // sound (optional)
'<COLOR>', // color (optional)
'<TAG>', // tag (optional)
null, // badge (optional)
false, // draft (optional)
'', // scheduledAt (optional)
false, // contentAvailable (optional)
false, // critical (optional)
sdk.MessagePriority.Normal // priority (optional)
Update push notification
Update a push notification by its unique ID. This endpoint only works on messages that are in draft status. Messages that are already processing, sent, or failed cannot be updated.
messageId string requiredMessage ID.
topics array List of Topic IDs.
users array List of User IDs.
targets array List of Targets IDs.
title string Title for push notification.
body string Body for push notification.
data object Additional Data for push notification.
action string Action for push notification.
image string Image for push notification. Must be a compound bucket ID to file ID of a jpeg, png, or bmp image in Appwrite Storage. It should be formatted as <BUCKET_ID>:<FILE_ID>.
icon string Icon for push notification. Available only for Android and Web platforms.
sound string Sound for push notification. Available only for Android and iOS platforms.
color string Color for push notification. Available only for Android platforms.
tag string Tag for push notification. Available only for Android platforms.
badge integer Badge for push notification. Available only for iOS platforms.
draft boolean Is message a draft
scheduledAt string Scheduled delivery time for message in ISO 8601 format. DateTime value must be in future.
contentAvailable boolean If set to true, the notification will be delivered in the background. Available only for iOS Platform.
critical boolean If set to true, the notification will be marked as critical. This requires the app to have the critical notification entitlement. Available only for iOS Platform.
priority string Set the notification priority. "normal" will consider device battery state and may send notifications later. "high" will always attempt to immediately deliver the notification.
200 application/json
PATCH /messaging/messages/push/{messageId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.updatePush(
'<MESSAGE_ID>', // messageId
[], // topics (optional)
[], // users (optional)
[], // targets (optional)
'<TITLE>', // title (optional)
'<BODY>', // body (optional)
{}, // data (optional)
'<ACTION>', // action (optional)
'[ID1:ID2]', // image (optional)
'<ICON>', // icon (optional)
'<SOUND>', // sound (optional)
'<COLOR>', // color (optional)
'<TAG>', // tag (optional)
null, // badge (optional)
false, // draft (optional)
'', // scheduledAt (optional)
false, // contentAvailable (optional)
false, // critical (optional)
sdk.MessagePriority.Normal // priority (optional)
Create SMS
Create a new SMS message.
messageId string requiredMessage ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with
. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char. Max length is 36 chars.content string requiredSMS Content.
topics array List of Topic IDs.
users array List of User IDs.
targets array List of Targets IDs.
draft boolean Is message a draft
scheduledAt string Scheduled delivery time for message in ISO 8601 format. DateTime value must be in future.
201 application/json
POST /messaging/messages/sms
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.createSms(
'<MESSAGE_ID>', // messageId
'<CONTENT>', // content
[], // topics (optional)
[], // users (optional)
[], // targets (optional)
false, // draft (optional)
'' // scheduledAt (optional)
Update SMS
Update an SMS message by its unique ID. This endpoint only works on messages that are in draft status. Messages that are already processing, sent, or failed cannot be updated.
messageId string requiredMessage ID.
topics array List of Topic IDs.
users array List of User IDs.
targets array List of Targets IDs.
content string Email Content.
draft boolean Is message a draft
scheduledAt string Scheduled delivery time for message in ISO 8601 format. DateTime value must be in future.
200 application/json
PATCH /messaging/messages/sms/{messageId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.updateSms(
'<MESSAGE_ID>', // messageId
[], // topics (optional)
[], // users (optional)
[], // targets (optional)
'<CONTENT>', // content (optional)
false, // draft (optional)
'' // scheduledAt (optional)
Get message
Get a message by its unique ID.
messageId string requiredMessage ID.
200 application/json
GET /messaging/messages/{messageId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.getMessage(
'<MESSAGE_ID>' // messageId
Delete message
Delete a message. If the message is not a draft or scheduled, but has been sent, this will not recall the message.
messageId string requiredMessage ID.
204 application/json
DELETE /messaging/messages/{messageId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.delete(
'<MESSAGE_ID>' // messageId
List message logs
Get the message activity logs listed by its unique ID.
messageId string requiredMessage ID.
queries array Array of query strings generated using the Query class provided by the SDK. Learn more about queries. Only supported methods are limit and offset
200 application/json
GET /messaging/messages/{messageId}/logs
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.listMessageLogs(
'<MESSAGE_ID>', // messageId
[] // queries (optional)
List message targets
Get a list of the targets associated with a message.
messageId string requiredMessage ID.
queries array Array of query strings generated using the Query class provided by the SDK. Learn more about queries. Maximum of 100 queries are allowed, each 4096 characters long. You may filter on the following attributes: userId, providerId, identifier, providerType
200 application/json
GET /messaging/messages/{messageId}/targets
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.listTargets(
'<MESSAGE_ID>', // messageId
[] // queries (optional)
List providers
Get a list of all providers from the current Appwrite project.
queries array Array of query strings generated using the Query class provided by the SDK. Learn more about queries. Maximum of 100 queries are allowed, each 4096 characters long. You may filter on the following attributes: name, provider, type, enabled
search string Search term to filter your list results. Max length: 256 chars.
200 application/json
GET /messaging/providers
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.listProviders(
[], // queries (optional)
'<SEARCH>' // search (optional)
Create APNS provider
Create a new Apple Push Notification service provider.
providerId string requiredProvider ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with
. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char. Max length is 36 string requiredProvider name.
authKey string APNS authentication key.
authKeyId string APNS authentication key ID.
teamId string APNS team ID.
bundleId string APNS bundle ID.
sandbox boolean Use APNS sandbox environment.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
201 application/json
POST /messaging/providers/apns
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.createApnsProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name
'<AUTH_KEY>', // authKey (optional)
'<AUTH_KEY_ID>', // authKeyId (optional)
'<TEAM_ID>', // teamId (optional)
'<BUNDLE_ID>', // bundleId (optional)
false, // sandbox (optional)
false // enabled (optional)
Update APNS provider
Update a Apple Push Notification service provider by its unique ID.
providerId string requiredProvider ID.
name string Provider name.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
authKey string APNS authentication key.
authKeyId string APNS authentication key ID.
teamId string APNS team ID.
bundleId string APNS bundle ID.
sandbox boolean Use APNS sandbox environment.
200 application/json
PATCH /messaging/providers/apns/{providerId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.updateApnsProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name (optional)
false, // enabled (optional)
'<AUTH_KEY>', // authKey (optional)
'<AUTH_KEY_ID>', // authKeyId (optional)
'<TEAM_ID>', // teamId (optional)
'<BUNDLE_ID>', // bundleId (optional)
false // sandbox (optional)
Create FCM provider
Create a new Firebase Cloud Messaging provider.
providerId string requiredProvider ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with
. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char. Max length is 36 string requiredProvider name.
serviceAccountJSON object FCM service account JSON.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
201 application/json
POST /messaging/providers/fcm
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.createFcmProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name
{}, // serviceAccountJSON (optional)
false // enabled (optional)
Update FCM provider
Update a Firebase Cloud Messaging provider by its unique ID.
providerId string requiredProvider ID.
name string Provider name.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
serviceAccountJSON object FCM service account JSON.
200 application/json
PATCH /messaging/providers/fcm/{providerId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.updateFcmProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name (optional)
false, // enabled (optional)
{} // serviceAccountJSON (optional)
Create Mailgun provider
Create a new Mailgun provider.
providerId string requiredProvider ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with
. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char. Max length is 36 string requiredProvider name.
apiKey string Mailgun API Key.
domain string Mailgun Domain.
isEuRegion boolean Set as EU region.
fromName string Sender Name.
fromEmail string Sender email address.
replyToName string Name set in the reply to field for the mail. Default value is sender name. Reply to name must have reply to email as well.
replyToEmail string Email set in the reply to field for the mail. Default value is sender email. Reply to email must have reply to name as well.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
201 application/json
POST /messaging/providers/mailgun
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.createMailgunProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name
'<API_KEY>', // apiKey (optional)
'<DOMAIN>', // domain (optional)
false, // isEuRegion (optional)
'<FROM_NAME>', // fromName (optional)
'', // fromEmail (optional)
'<REPLY_TO_NAME>', // replyToName (optional)
'', // replyToEmail (optional)
false // enabled (optional)
Update Mailgun provider
Update a Mailgun provider by its unique ID.
providerId string requiredProvider ID.
name string Provider name.
apiKey string Mailgun API Key.
domain string Mailgun Domain.
isEuRegion boolean Set as EU region.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
fromName string Sender Name.
fromEmail string Sender email address.
replyToName string Name set in the reply to field for the mail. Default value is sender name.
replyToEmail string Email set in the reply to field for the mail. Default value is sender email.
200 application/json
PATCH /messaging/providers/mailgun/{providerId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.updateMailgunProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name (optional)
'<API_KEY>', // apiKey (optional)
'<DOMAIN>', // domain (optional)
false, // isEuRegion (optional)
false, // enabled (optional)
'<FROM_NAME>', // fromName (optional)
'', // fromEmail (optional)
'<REPLY_TO_NAME>', // replyToName (optional)
'<REPLY_TO_EMAIL>' // replyToEmail (optional)
Create Msg91 provider
Create a new MSG91 provider.
providerId string requiredProvider ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with
. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char. Max length is 36 string requiredProvider name.
templateId string Msg91 template ID
senderId string Msg91 sender ID.
authKey string Msg91 auth key.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
201 application/json
POST /messaging/providers/msg91
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.createMsg91Provider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name
'<TEMPLATE_ID>', // templateId (optional)
'<SENDER_ID>', // senderId (optional)
'<AUTH_KEY>', // authKey (optional)
false // enabled (optional)
Update Msg91 provider
Update a MSG91 provider by its unique ID.
providerId string requiredProvider ID.
name string Provider name.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
templateId string Msg91 template ID.
senderId string Msg91 sender ID.
authKey string Msg91 auth key.
200 application/json
PATCH /messaging/providers/msg91/{providerId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.updateMsg91Provider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name (optional)
false, // enabled (optional)
'<TEMPLATE_ID>', // templateId (optional)
'<SENDER_ID>', // senderId (optional)
'<AUTH_KEY>' // authKey (optional)
Create Sendgrid provider
Create a new Sendgrid provider.
providerId string requiredProvider ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with
. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char. Max length is 36 string requiredProvider name.
apiKey string Sendgrid API key.
fromName string Sender Name.
fromEmail string Sender email address.
replyToName string Name set in the reply to field for the mail. Default value is sender name.
replyToEmail string Email set in the reply to field for the mail. Default value is sender email.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
201 application/json
POST /messaging/providers/sendgrid
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.createSendgridProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name
'<API_KEY>', // apiKey (optional)
'<FROM_NAME>', // fromName (optional)
'', // fromEmail (optional)
'<REPLY_TO_NAME>', // replyToName (optional)
'', // replyToEmail (optional)
false // enabled (optional)
Update Sendgrid provider
Update a Sendgrid provider by its unique ID.
providerId string requiredProvider ID.
name string Provider name.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
apiKey string Sendgrid API key.
fromName string Sender Name.
fromEmail string Sender email address.
replyToName string Name set in the Reply To field for the mail. Default value is Sender Name.
replyToEmail string Email set in the Reply To field for the mail. Default value is Sender Email.
200 application/json
PATCH /messaging/providers/sendgrid/{providerId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.updateSendgridProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name (optional)
false, // enabled (optional)
'<API_KEY>', // apiKey (optional)
'<FROM_NAME>', // fromName (optional)
'', // fromEmail (optional)
'<REPLY_TO_NAME>', // replyToName (optional)
'<REPLY_TO_EMAIL>' // replyToEmail (optional)
Create SMTP provider
Create a new SMTP provider.
providerId string requiredProvider ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with
. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char. Max length is 36 string requiredProvider name.
host string requiredSMTP hosts. Either a single hostname or multiple semicolon-delimited hostnames. You can also specify a different port for each host such as;
. You can also specify encryption type, for example:tls://;ssl://"
. Hosts will be tried in order.port integer The default SMTP server port.
username string Authentication username.
password string Authentication password.
encryption string Encryption type. Can be omitted, 'ssl', or 'tls'
autoTLS boolean Enable SMTP AutoTLS feature.
mailer string The value to use for the X-Mailer header.
fromName string Sender Name.
fromEmail string Sender email address.
replyToName string Name set in the reply to field for the mail. Default value is sender name.
replyToEmail string Email set in the reply to field for the mail. Default value is sender email.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
201 application/json
POST /messaging/providers/smtp
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.createSmtpProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name
'<HOST>', // host
1, // port (optional)
'<USERNAME>', // username (optional)
'<PASSWORD>', // password (optional)
sdk.SmtpEncryption.None, // encryption (optional)
false, // autoTLS (optional)
'<MAILER>', // mailer (optional)
'<FROM_NAME>', // fromName (optional)
'', // fromEmail (optional)
'<REPLY_TO_NAME>', // replyToName (optional)
'', // replyToEmail (optional)
false // enabled (optional)
Update SMTP provider
Update a SMTP provider by its unique ID.
providerId string requiredProvider ID.
name string Provider name.
host string SMTP hosts. Either a single hostname or multiple semicolon-delimited hostnames. You can also specify a different port for each host such as;
. You can also specify encryption type, for example:tls://;ssl://"
. Hosts will be tried in order.port integer SMTP port.
username string Authentication username.
password string Authentication password.
encryption string Encryption type. Can be 'ssl' or 'tls'
autoTLS boolean Enable SMTP AutoTLS feature.
mailer string The value to use for the X-Mailer header.
fromName string Sender Name.
fromEmail string Sender email address.
replyToName string Name set in the Reply To field for the mail. Default value is Sender Name.
replyToEmail string Email set in the Reply To field for the mail. Default value is Sender Email.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
200 application/json
PATCH /messaging/providers/smtp/{providerId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.updateSmtpProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name (optional)
'<HOST>', // host (optional)
1, // port (optional)
'<USERNAME>', // username (optional)
'<PASSWORD>', // password (optional)
sdk.SmtpEncryption.None, // encryption (optional)
false, // autoTLS (optional)
'<MAILER>', // mailer (optional)
'<FROM_NAME>', // fromName (optional)
'', // fromEmail (optional)
'<REPLY_TO_NAME>', // replyToName (optional)
'<REPLY_TO_EMAIL>', // replyToEmail (optional)
false // enabled (optional)
Create Telesign provider
Create a new Telesign provider.
providerId string requiredProvider ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with
. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char. Max length is 36 string requiredProvider name.
from string Sender Phone number. Format this number with a leading '+' and a country code, e.g., +16175551212.
customerId string Telesign customer ID.
apiKey string Telesign API key.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
201 application/json
POST /messaging/providers/telesign
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.createTelesignProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name
'+12065550100', // from (optional)
'<CUSTOMER_ID>', // customerId (optional)
'<API_KEY>', // apiKey (optional)
false // enabled (optional)
Update Telesign provider
Update a Telesign provider by its unique ID.
providerId string requiredProvider ID.
name string Provider name.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
customerId string Telesign customer ID.
apiKey string Telesign API key.
from string Sender number.
200 application/json
PATCH /messaging/providers/telesign/{providerId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.updateTelesignProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name (optional)
false, // enabled (optional)
'<CUSTOMER_ID>', // customerId (optional)
'<API_KEY>', // apiKey (optional)
'<FROM>' // from (optional)
Create Textmagic provider
Create a new Textmagic provider.
providerId string requiredProvider ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with
. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char. Max length is 36 string requiredProvider name.
from string Sender Phone number. Format this number with a leading '+' and a country code, e.g., +16175551212.
username string Textmagic username.
apiKey string Textmagic apiKey.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
201 application/json
POST /messaging/providers/textmagic
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.createTextmagicProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name
'+12065550100', // from (optional)
'<USERNAME>', // username (optional)
'<API_KEY>', // apiKey (optional)
false // enabled (optional)
Update Textmagic provider
Update a Textmagic provider by its unique ID.
providerId string requiredProvider ID.
name string Provider name.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
username string Textmagic username.
apiKey string Textmagic apiKey.
from string Sender number.
200 application/json
PATCH /messaging/providers/textmagic/{providerId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.updateTextmagicProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name (optional)
false, // enabled (optional)
'<USERNAME>', // username (optional)
'<API_KEY>', // apiKey (optional)
'<FROM>' // from (optional)
Create Twilio provider
Create a new Twilio provider.
providerId string requiredProvider ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with
. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char. Max length is 36 string requiredProvider name.
from string Sender Phone number. Format this number with a leading '+' and a country code, e.g., +16175551212.
accountSid string Twilio account secret ID.
authToken string Twilio authentication token.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
201 application/json
POST /messaging/providers/twilio
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.createTwilioProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name
'+12065550100', // from (optional)
'<ACCOUNT_SID>', // accountSid (optional)
'<AUTH_TOKEN>', // authToken (optional)
false // enabled (optional)
Update Twilio provider
Update a Twilio provider by its unique ID.
providerId string requiredProvider ID.
name string Provider name.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
accountSid string Twilio account secret ID.
authToken string Twilio authentication token.
from string Sender number.
200 application/json
PATCH /messaging/providers/twilio/{providerId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.updateTwilioProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name (optional)
false, // enabled (optional)
'<ACCOUNT_SID>', // accountSid (optional)
'<AUTH_TOKEN>', // authToken (optional)
'<FROM>' // from (optional)
Create Vonage provider
Create a new Vonage provider.
providerId string requiredProvider ID. Choose a custom ID or generate a random ID with
. Valid chars are a-z, A-Z, 0-9, period, hyphen, and underscore. Can't start with a special char. Max length is 36 string requiredProvider name.
from string Sender Phone number. Format this number with a leading '+' and a country code, e.g., +16175551212.
apiKey string Vonage API key.
apiSecret string Vonage API secret.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
201 application/json
POST /messaging/providers/vonage
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.createVonageProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name
'+12065550100', // from (optional)
'<API_KEY>', // apiKey (optional)
'<API_SECRET>', // apiSecret (optional)
false // enabled (optional)
Update Vonage provider
Update a Vonage provider by its unique ID.
providerId string requiredProvider ID.
name string Provider name.
enabled boolean Set as enabled.
apiKey string Vonage API key.
apiSecret string Vonage API secret.
from string Sender number.
200 application/json
PATCH /messaging/providers/vonage/{providerId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.updateVonageProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
'<NAME>', // name (optional)
false, // enabled (optional)
'<API_KEY>', // apiKey (optional)
'<API_SECRET>', // apiSecret (optional)
'<FROM>' // from (optional)
Get provider
Get a provider by its unique ID.
providerId string requiredProvider ID.
200 application/json
GET /messaging/providers/{providerId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.getProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>' // providerId
Delete provider
Delete a provider by its unique ID.
providerId string requiredProvider ID.
204 application/json
DELETE /messaging/providers/{providerId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.deleteProvider(
'<PROVIDER_ID>' // providerId
List provider logs
Get the provider activity logs listed by its unique ID.
providerId string requiredProvider ID.
queries array Array of query strings generated using the Query class provided by the SDK. Learn more about queries. Only supported methods are limit and offset
200 application/json
GET /messaging/providers/{providerId}/logs
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.listProviderLogs(
'<PROVIDER_ID>', // providerId
[] // queries (optional)
List subscriber logs
Get the subscriber activity logs listed by its unique ID.
subscriberId string requiredSubscriber ID.
queries array Array of query strings generated using the Query class provided by the SDK. Learn more about queries. Only supported methods are limit and offset
200 application/json
GET /messaging/subscribers/{subscriberId}/logs
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.listSubscriberLogs(
'<SUBSCRIBER_ID>', // subscriberId
[] // queries (optional)
List topics
Get a list of all topics from the current Appwrite project.
queries array Array of query strings generated using the Query class provided by the SDK. Learn more about queries. Maximum of 100 queries are allowed, each 4096 characters long. You may filter on the following attributes: name, description, emailTotal, smsTotal, pushTotal
search string Search term to filter your list results. Max length: 256 chars.
200 application/json
GET /messaging/topics
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.listTopics(
[], // queries (optional)
'<SEARCH>' // search (optional)
Create topic
Create a new topic.
topicId string requiredTopic ID. Choose a custom Topic ID or a new Topic ID.
name string requiredTopic Name.
subscribe array An array of role strings with subscribe permission. By default all users are granted with any subscribe permission. learn more about roles. Maximum of 100 roles are allowed, each 64 characters long.
201 application/json
POST /messaging/topics
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.createTopic(
'<TOPIC_ID>', // topicId
'<NAME>', // name
["any"] // subscribe (optional)
Get topic
Get a topic by its unique ID.
topicId string requiredTopic ID.
200 application/json
GET /messaging/topics/{topicId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.getTopic(
'<TOPIC_ID>' // topicId
Update topic
Update a topic by its unique ID.
topicId string requiredTopic ID.
name string Topic Name.
subscribe array An array of role strings with subscribe permission. By default all users are granted with any subscribe permission. learn more about roles. Maximum of 100 roles are allowed, each 64 characters long.
200 application/json
PATCH /messaging/topics/{topicId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.updateTopic(
'<TOPIC_ID>', // topicId
'<NAME>', // name (optional)
["any"] // subscribe (optional)
Delete topic
Delete a topic by its unique ID.
topicId string requiredTopic ID.
204 application/json
DELETE /messaging/topics/{topicId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.deleteTopic(
'<TOPIC_ID>' // topicId
List topic logs
Get the topic activity logs listed by its unique ID.
topicId string requiredTopic ID.
queries array Array of query strings generated using the Query class provided by the SDK. Learn more about queries. Only supported methods are limit and offset
200 application/json
GET /messaging/topics/{topicId}/logs
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.listTopicLogs(
'<TOPIC_ID>', // topicId
[] // queries (optional)
List subscribers
Get a list of all subscribers from the current Appwrite project.
topicId string requiredTopic ID. The topic ID subscribed to.
queries array Array of query strings generated using the Query class provided by the SDK. Learn more about queries. Maximum of 100 queries are allowed, each 4096 characters long. You may filter on the following attributes: name, provider, type, enabled
search string Search term to filter your list results. Max length: 256 chars.
200 application/json
GET /messaging/topics/{topicId}/subscribers
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.listSubscribers(
'<TOPIC_ID>', // topicId
[], // queries (optional)
'<SEARCH>' // search (optional)
Create subscriber
Create a new subscriber.
topicId string requiredTopic ID. The topic ID to subscribe to.
subscriberId string requiredSubscriber ID. Choose a custom Subscriber ID or a new Subscriber ID.
targetId string requiredTarget ID. The target ID to link to the specified Topic ID.
201 application/json
POST /messaging/topics/{topicId}/subscribers
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setJWT('<YOUR_JWT>'); // Your secret JSON Web Token
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.createSubscriber(
'<TOPIC_ID>', // topicId
'<SUBSCRIBER_ID>', // subscriberId
'<TARGET_ID>' // targetId
Get subscriber
Get a subscriber by its unique ID.
topicId string requiredTopic ID. The topic ID subscribed to.
subscriberId string requiredSubscriber ID.
200 application/json
GET /messaging/topics/{topicId}/subscribers/{subscriberId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setKey('<YOUR_API_KEY>'); // Your secret API key
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.getSubscriber(
'<TOPIC_ID>', // topicId
'<SUBSCRIBER_ID>' // subscriberId
Delete subscriber
Delete a subscriber by its unique ID.
topicId string requiredTopic ID. The topic ID subscribed to.
subscriberId string requiredSubscriber ID.
204 application/json
DELETE /messaging/topics/{topicId}/subscribers/{subscriberId}
const sdk = require('node-appwrite');
const client = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>') // Your project ID
.setJWT('<YOUR_JWT>'); // Your secret JSON Web Token
const messaging = new sdk.Messaging(client);
const result = await messaging.deleteSubscriber(
'<TOPIC_ID>', // topicId
'<SUBSCRIBER_ID>' // subscriberId