

$id string Execution ID.
$createdAt string Execution creation date in ISO 8601 format.
$updatedAt string Execution upate date in ISO 8601 format.
$permissions array Execution roles.
functionId string Function ID.
trigger string The trigger that caused the function to execute. Possible values can be: `http`, `schedule`, or `event`.
status string The status of the function execution. Possible values can be: `waiting`, `processing`, `completed`, or `failed`.
requestMethod string HTTP request method type.
requestPath string HTTP request path and query.
requestHeaders array HTTP response headers as a key-value object. This will return only whitelisted headers. All headers are returned if execution is created as synchronous. Can be one of:

Headers model

responseStatusCode integer HTTP response status code.
responseBody string HTTP response body. This will return empty unless execution is created as synchronous.
responseHeaders array HTTP response headers as a key-value object. This will return only whitelisted headers. All headers are returned if execution is created as synchronous. Can be one of:

Headers model

logs string Function logs. Includes the last 4,000 characters. This will return an empty string unless the response is returned using an API key or as part of a webhook payload.
errors string Function errors. Includes the last 4,000 characters. This will return an empty string unless the response is returned using an API key or as part of a webhook payload.
duration number Function execution duration in seconds.
