

$id string Session ID.
$createdAt integer Session creation date in Unix timestamp.
userId string User ID.
expire integer Session expiration date in Unix timestamp.
provider string Session Provider.
providerUid string Session Provider User ID.
providerAccessToken string Session Provider Access Token.
providerAccessTokenExpiry integer Date, the Unix timestamp of when the access token expires.
providerRefreshToken string Session Provider Refresh Token.
ip string IP in use when the session was created.
osCode string Operating system code name. View list of [available options](
osName string Operating system name.
osVersion string Operating system version.
clientType string Client type.
clientCode string Client code name. View list of [available options](
clientName string Client name.
clientVersion string Client version.
clientEngine string Client engine name.
clientEngineVersion string Client engine name.
deviceName string Device name.
deviceBrand string Device brand name.
deviceModel string Device model name.
countryCode string Country two-character ISO 3166-1 alpha code.
countryName string Country name.
current boolean Returns true if this the current user session.
