

$id string Deployment ID.
$createdAt string Deployment creation date in ISO 8601 format.
$updatedAt string Deployment update date in ISO 8601 format.
type string Type of deployment.
resourceId string Resource ID.
resourceType string Resource type.
entrypoint string The entrypoint file to use to execute the deployment code.
size integer The code size in bytes.
buildId string The current build ID.
activate boolean Whether the deployment should be automatically activated.
status string The deployment status. Possible values are "processing", "building", "waiting", "ready", and "failed".
buildLogs string The build logs.
buildTime integer The current build time in seconds.
providerRepositoryName string The name of the vcs provider repository
providerRepositoryOwner string The name of the vcs provider repository owner
providerRepositoryUrl string The url of the vcs provider repository
providerBranch string The branch of the vcs repository
providerCommitHash string The commit hash of the vcs commit
providerCommitAuthorUrl string The url of vcs commit author
providerCommitAuthor string The name of vcs commit author
providerCommitMessage string The commit message
providerCommitUrl string The url of the vcs commit
providerBranchUrl string The branch of the vcs repository
