
Node.js sdk createBucket error

  • 0
  • Web
  • Storage
8 May, 2024, 19:45

Hi, hoping to get a bit of help on an issue if possible. I'm currently trying to create a bucket using the the createBucket node.js sdk. I'm getting this error - return await'post', apiPath, { ^ TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'call').

The client value is set correctly, with the endpoint, project id and key. within the same file I am creating users and teams. This is what the code looks like. const client = new sdk.Client(); const storage = new sdk.Storage(); client .setEndpoint(this.endpointKey) .setProject(this.projectKey) .setKey(this.key); console.log(client); console.log('create bucket process'); const result = await storage.createBucket( '12345', // bucketId 'testBucket', // name // [ // sdk.Permission.create(, //, // sdk.Permission.update(, "admin")), // sdk.Permission.delete(, "admin")) // ], ["read('any)"], true, // fileSecurity (optional) false, // enabled (optional) 30, // maximumFileSize (optional) [], // allowedFileExtensions (optional) sdk.None, // compression (optional) false, // encryption (optional) false // antivirus (optional) ) console.log('create bukcet result'); console.log(result);

Any help would be extremely appreciate and thank you in advance

Developers are getting a 'Cannot read properties of undefined' error when trying to create a bucket using the Node.js SDK. The issue seems to be with the way the SDK client is being set up. Ensure the client is correctly initialized before calling the createBucket function. Check that the SDK client is properly configured with the endpoint, project ID, and key. Double-check the client setup and try to call functions only after ensuring the client is correctly initialized.

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