
Auto Populate with User ID?

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Auth
  • Cloud
26 Apr, 2024, 18:15

Super excited that 1.5 is now available for cloud!

Question.. how do I set an attribute to auto populate with the user ID?

Or what’s the easiest way to have that linked?

Developers are wondering about setting attributes to auto-populate with user IDs instead of passing them manually from a web app or other sources. One solution involves creating a function triggered by new user creation to automatically input data into the specified collection. Additionally, the new version 1.5 for cloud services is now available.
26 Apr, 2024, 18:17

depends on how you're creating the document.

For example, I have a users/profiles collection and a function that triggers when a new user is created. Then, i take that data and create the document in users/profiles collection

26 Apr, 2024, 18:52

Just generally I wondered if it could be set as a default value or a trigger rather than having to be passed through as a value from a web app for example


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